Causes of Hearing Loss

causes of hearing loss

By Dr ANSAR AHAMED (OTOLARYNGOLOGIST) Introduction Causes of Hearing Loss : Are you finding it difficult to hear conversations clearly? Do you often ask people to repeat themselves? If so, you might be experiencing hearing loss. While most people associate hearing loss with age, there are actually several silent culprits that can lead to this […]

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Snoring: Causes,Remedies & Treatment


By Dr ANSAR AHAMED OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIST Introduction There’s nothing quite like a good night’s sleep to make you feel rejuvenated for the day ahead. Yet, for many, this simple luxury is disrupted by snoring—either their own or their partner’s. But don’t worry, in this blog we will discuss  remedies of snoring  that can help you have

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Acute Suppurative Otitis Media: An Overview

acute suppurative otitis media

Dr Ansar Ahamed( Otorhinolaryngologist) Introduction Acute Suppurative Otitis Media (ASOM) is a prevalent condition among children that requires parents’ understanding and attention. This article aims to shed light on the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and preventive measures associated with ASOM. I. Understanding Acute Suppurative Otitis Media (ASOM) ASOM, also known as a middle ear

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Common Allergens You Need to Know About

common allergens

By Dr ANSAR AHAMED OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIST Common Allergens: Navigating the world of allergens can be tricky. From knowing what to look for on food labels, to understanding which household items could trigger an allergic response, it’s a landscape that demands understanding. Let’s dig deeper and navigate this landscape of allergens together. Understanding Allergens: An Introduction Defining

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Understanding Voice Disorders: An Overview

voice disorders

 By DR ANSAR AHAMED (OTOLARYNGOLOGIST) Table of Contents Introduction Getting Started: Understanding the Basics of Voice Disorder Different Types of Voice DisordersFunctional Voice Disorders Organic Voice Disorders Neurogenic Voice Disorders Causes and Symptoms of Voice Disorders Diagnosis: How Voice Disorders Are DetectedPhysical Examination Voice Evaluation Tests Treatment: Addressing Voice DisordersVoice Therapy Medication and Surgery Alternative

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An Unexpected Enemy: The Loss of Smell in Covid-19

loss of smell

by Dr ANSAR AHAMED Otolaryngologist Everyone is aware of fever, cough, and difficulties in breathing as common symptoms of Covid-19. However, a surprising, yet increasingly prevalent symptom, the loss of smell, often goes unnoticed. Let’s dig deeper and unmask this mystery. The Olfactory Anomaly: Anosmia in Covid-19 Anosmia, or loss of smell, is quickly becoming

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14 Tips to Avoid Voice Strain

voice strain

By Dr Ansar Ahamed Otolaryngologist Introduction Are you a singer, teacher, Lawyer or call center representative? Whether you use your voice professionally or just enjoy singing your favorite tunes in the shower, taking care of your vocal health is crucial. Voice strain is a common issue that can lead to hoarseness, vocal fatigue, and even

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Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

1.Introduction A. Understanding Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Vertigo, a distressing sensation of spinning or dizziness, can significantly impact one’s daily life. It can lead to anxiety, fear, and difficulties with balance, making even simple tasks a challenge. B. Shedding light on Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) One common cause of vertigo is Benign Paroxysmal Positional

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